A little bit of luck is always involved. MEET THE BREED, the first meeting for Dansk Svensk Gardshunds in the North German region, celebrated its inception on Sunday, March 17, 2024, amidst beautiful weather.
Grace'n Kelly had invited friends and owners of Dansk Svensk Gårdhund to the gathering. Watching dogs, exchanging information, meeting friends, interacting with the animals, and presenting one's own dog to the judge. We had expected around 20 to 30 people.
But then YOU came! You curious ones, you dog enthusiasts, you (dog) lovers. It was surprising, but delightful to see the place filling up with more and more dogs and people arriving. Some came with their dogs, while others came with many questions in tow. We roughly counted and estimated around 100 to 120 visitors. About 35 dogs were present. 25 DSGs had registered for the exhibition, where judge Falk Siewert (VDH, Group 2) conducted a conformation assessment with corresponding ratings. All classes were filled: from the youngest, youth, intermediate to open.
We started promptly at 2 p.m. Since the weather was truly fantastic, the judge promptly moved the event outdoors. We had our hands full with last-minute rearrangements. The team reacted super quickly. A few spectators pitched in, and so we stayed within the time frame.
Alongside the dog owners, many people came who wanted to get an impression of the breed and had questions about the dog's characteristics and care.
Prospective dog owners had plenty of opportunity to chat with the dog owners and receive first-hand experience reports.
The atmosphere was truly friendly, relaxed, and everyone was in good spirits. Even the dogs.
Among all the circumstances offered, one thing fascinated everyone: so many DSGs and such diversity in phenotype. That was impressive.
The "exhibition" was very exciting. For many, it was their first appearance in front of the judge. Judge Falk Siewert found encouraging words for everyone. Patiently, he described the dog and justified the conformation score. He also provided tips on how to present the dog from the judge's perspective. The valuable ring training was included. It was a great experience for exhibition newcomers and sparked a desire for more.
Families came with their children. To avoid boredom, they could engage with the dogs. They tested the dogs on a walk or, if none were available, they simply slid down the agility slide themselves.
The dogs, waiting for their turn, tried their hand at the seesaw or swing in the agility course.
It was an enjoyable afternoon for humans and dogs alike. A change of perspective from the usual breeding/show world. It was about the Gårdhund and how we fit into its life, and vice versa.
We wanted to introduce the DSG breed in an informal setting. We tried to create a meeting place where communication is possible, even if topics are controversially discussed (e.g., whether the DSG hunts). Our wish was to keep everything simple and uncomplicated. Simply engage with people and exchange valuable information during pleasant conversations. For the dog owners, it was an easy, pressure-free entry into the world of dog shows.
The afternoon was marked by joy and lightness, for humans and animals alike. It was beautiful. Thanks to everyone!!
At this point, I would like to extend my special thanks to the people who volunteered and provided active support. Without them, none of this would have been possible:
die Elbnasen (www.die-elbnasen.de)
Richter/ judge Falk Siewert ( VDH/FCI)
Frank Mierwaldt yt channel (https://youtube.com/@elbe?si=-EirfFK1lcYP7Cf-)
Rouven Thiemann und Andrea Henschel für die Fotos ( bitte copyright nennen, wenn ihr Fotos benutzt für somi)
Horst und Gisela für Ausstattung und Betreuung
Lena für Richterbetreuung und Schreiben
Sandra, Lilli und Daniel Peters für die Orga
Anca für die Hunde/ Kinderbetreuung
Hundebedarf Feiner Hund (feiner-hund.de)
der Kuchen stammte aus der alten Sägerei in Jesteburg
last but not least die geduldigsten Vorzeige -Hunde der Welt: Hilde, Berta, Bubbles und Gigi ( Kotten war im Schwangerschaftsurlaub und glotzte HSV, der deshalb wahrscheinlich gewonnen hat :-) )
zur Herstellung der Broschüre und Korrektur meiner Texte danke ich va Palation Lion Dog/ Stephanie Bettink (https://palatianliondog-ridgebacks.de ) Allez Hopp/ Andrea Kampffmeyer (der-gardhund.de) für die Unterstützung. Fotohilfe kam u.a. von Kennel Adorados/ Vanja Söderberg Sweden (dsgardshund.se) und dem Sutumer Grund (sutumer-grund.de)
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